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Image by Liv Bruce


Strengthening our Community




Summary:  San Juan Diego Institute understands the family as the first and privileged place of human development. The role of the family is central to the long-term health of any society.  The family today faces many challenges that require prudent support and assistance, especially Latino families. San Juan Diego Institute researches and supports models of family assistance that empowers parents to be the first provider and educator for their children.


We work with partners that:


  1. Build healthy and lasting marriages

  2. Empower parents as primary educators

  3. Support families in crisis

  4. Train pastors and community leaders

  5. Creating opportunities for financial security

  6. Support 2 Gen approaches to social empowerment


Family Celebrating New Year
Proud Parents
Happy Family_edited.jpg

“As an Executive Director, I know I need an outside perspective to really gauge the operations and effectiveness of Fraternus, but there are so many voices that getting trustworthy help can be overwhelming.  Everyone has advice to give you (and consulting contracts to sign) but finding someone who really understands your mission and methods sometimes seems hopeless.  SJDI was just what we needed.  Almost two years out from their original assessment, I can see that their efforts and guidance has helped us reshape our efforts so that we know that the effectiveness of the mission is on par with our zeal for it.  We would not be there without SJDI.” 

Jason Craig

Executive Director, Fraternus USA

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