Case Study: The Impact of Corona Virus on K-12 Attendance, Performance and Culture
Over the past few years SJDI’s team have collaborated with other organizations to provide data analysis and research along with leadership development. An example of this would be found in the white paper we produced to serve the private schools that we were working with throughout the US during the early days of the pandemic.
Executive Summary:
In Mid-March most forms of schooling in the US were abruptly cancelled or modified in light of the Coronavirus Pandemic and the corresponding ‘lock-downs’ mandated to slow the spread. The vast majority of schools took steps to continue providing education through a variety of remote and online methods and opted to continue the academic year without returning to in-person instruction. This crisis has presented an unprecedented challenge to modern education and raised serious concerns regarding the quality of education students are receiving, inequities among student population, as well as the financial viability and future health of nearly all school models, public, public-charter, and private.
8 Weeks into the crisis, data on the national and district level for K-12 is beginning to accumulate. However, due to the wide variety of state and district policies regarding instruction, attendance, and assessment it is hard to have any certainty about the state of public education. Similarly, charter school associations, individual charter schools, Catholic Diocesan Schools, and other private religious schools conform to both state and internal policies and their data is not widely available. Various news reports and bulletins from the DOE and national advocacy organizations are calling attention to the challenges that many school districts are facing.
With expected budget cuts facing schools now and in the Fall, private and charter schools who often serve low-income and minority students are likely to be disproportionately impacted. San Juan Diego Institute wants to determine key factors for success of these schools moving forward and the strategic and financial interventions that will make institutional impact on schools as they re-open in Fall of 2020.
Click below to download and read the full San Juan Diego Institute White Paper: The Impact of Coronavirus on K-12 School Attendance, Performance and Culture, May, 2020
Click below to download and read the full Raza Development Fund White Paper: COVID-19 Education Research & Intervention: Strategies for Short-Term and Effective Interventions to Combat Covid-19 Related Learning Loss in Lower-Income Schools, November, 2021
-California announced a $54 Billion shortfall in state budget and a required 13% cut to public school funding.