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The Challenges Facing the Latino Community (And Our Response)

The Challenge Facing the Latino Community

SJDI grew out of the largest Latino serving CDFI in the nation, Raza Development Fund. Over the years we have witnessed first-hand the opportunity and challenges facing the Latino community and their growth in the United States. Non-profits and various social serving organizations are often on the front lines and can be the most effective at alleviating acute problems and advancing changes to systemic issues facing the community. SJDI specifically serves these organizations as a means to promote a healthy Latino community, and ensure that the gifts and talents of the community serve the greater good and build a stronger America for all of us.

In short, we see the challenge and the solutions as follows.

The Challenge: A stronger Latino community requires healthy, dynamic non-profit organizations that can serve a variety of needs. But there are four problems.

  1. Many non-profits, especially those making significant impact in critical areas, often lack key organizational principles necessary to managing staff well and strengthening their culture, as well as the business principles necessary to sustain or scale their mission or lack the access to capital to expand their operations.

  2. The existing resources to assist non-profits are often prescriptive and one-sized, bringing little value to the unique situation of a particular organization.

  3. Many non-profits fail to seek technical assistance and support prior to crisis.

  4. Visionary leaders are often siloed and as a result struggle to discern, navigate and leverage relations to fully realize the impact their vision.

Our Response:

  1. Identify promising organizations making in impact in their community.

  2. Assess their organizational culture, organizational health and ability to fulfill their mission.

  3. Support their mission by providing technical assistance (see services)

  4. Connect organizations to other like-minded organizations that can mutually support each other or enhance their impact and/or reach.

  5. Grow a network of high functioning organizations to build a stronger Latino community and a stronger America.


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